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Okema T. Moore

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Okema T. Moore is an actor, singer, writer, director and producer.  She has taken her experiences as a youngster in entertainment and been fortunate enough to continue cultivating quite a life of experiences as an adult.  Presently under her brand MOOREthanEnuff Media, Okema writes, produces and directs work for stage, screen and television that dispels the myth that stories about POC are monolithic. 

On Little Apple The Series, Moore says, "I HAD to be a part of Little Apple. As a teaching artist, I see our youth and that they need this. To know their strengths and their rights and that their voice matters. dults can also learn from Apple. The parenting approach that Matthew and Charlene take with their special child is awe inspiring to me. Support, love,'s what can make or break a child. Our communities need this story and I am so blessed to be able to help get this to market with other amazing creatives of color!"