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The mission of the Little Apple Universe

is to build a safe digital space that empowers the world—specifically youth, youth professionals and families—to use its imagination while adding context to racial and social justice topics. 

We believe that in order to build a future that is beautiful, safe, and equitable for everyone, everyone should be at the table—including youth.


The current coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has completely reshaped the way we live and care for ourselves and each other. People all around the world have been affected—businesses, families, and schools. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

Add on top of that the continued violence against Black bodies, and it’s clear that the work to create safe spaces is even more important today. The work to educate the next generation of activists and change-agents is even more critical.

Traditionally, the Little Apple Team is able to connect with the community and share space through our screenings, activations and live experiences. But due to social-distancing guidelines, these experiences have been post-poned.

However, The Little Apple Universe digital streaming platform is an opportunity to take our offline Little Apple experience online—directly to your home, classroom, or organization!

As the nation and world continues to figure out what this new post-coronavirus society will look like, the Little Apple Universe invites you to join us as we reimagine how we think about entertainment, education and digital spaces.